You do not need any experience or skill to volunteer. We can find a way for you to take part regardless of your physical ability. We would love for you and/or your organization to join our volunteer service corps.

You only need one thing when you show up to build a ramp.

Your heart.

We’ll take care of the rest.

I remember the first time I volunteered to build a ramp for Roger, a United States Veteran. He was living in a mobile home village and had almost lost the ability to walk. He could only move at a very slow pace with the help of a walker. Navigating stairs had become painful and nearly impossible.
I was part of a crew of eight people who had stepped forward to help. The other seven were from a local business that supported community veterans through volunteer service. Their corporation had also supplied the funds for the ramp material.
The local Amramp owner (Bill) was on hand to help us read the CAD drawing and ensure we built the ramp safely. Bill had a booming smile and made us all feel at ease. Soon, we were laying out ramp material and organizing how to build as a team. We had all ages, genders, and abilities, but the one thing we had in common was the passion to help this man who had served his country proudly.
With a light mist of rain falling, we worked together putting the modular ramp together, one piece at a time. Before we knew it, in less than two hours the ramp was finished! We circled the door of the trailer and asked Roger to come to test out his new ramp. He made his way slowly out the door with his walker and within a few minutes he was halfway down the ramp. We were all so focused on watching Roger we didn’t hear the car pull up. We only noticed when Roger looked towards the car and smiled proudly. His wife got out and within moments she was weeping uncontrollably. She approached each volunteer, thanking us profusely for what we had done for her husband. The moment was poignant and powerful. We quickly realized we had changed more than one life that day for just a few hours of volunteering.

That same team has since built multiple ramps for other veterans and has raised tens of thousands of dollars to pay for them.

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